We all know that society nowadays has become so automated and so impersonal, that sometimes we forget we actually work with people, and not just machines. The paradox is that, the more we depersonalise everything, the more people look for a heart to heart approach, and they tend to buy emotionally, not logically.
The advantage of being a coach is that you can create a connection with your clients throughout the entire process of coaching and far beyond that. You can develop your coaching business based on your clients' emotions, on their fears, doubts and expectations. You learn what they need and want and can use those feelings to create the right products, programmes and sessions to help your clients overcome their fears, solve their problems and reach their goals.
Reach your clients through targeting
How can you know all your clients' fears and dreams? Target that specific clientele. It is the most effective and only way to learn everything about your clients and be able to offer real solutions to their problems. When you do not target your clients, your message becomes generic, it is very general in its content and it doesn't resonate with anyone. In fact, when you talk about everything, no one finds a particular interest in what you say.
On the other hand, targeting allows you to reach many more people. You become visible in that specific market, and people who hear your message understand it and take a personal meaning from it.
After you target your market, you can press the emotional button to get the clients you need. This is when you must show your potential clients what you can do, that you have the solution to their problem. Make sure you ask them the right questions, help them feel the problem and then they will give you the right answer. Work on the solution starting from those answers.
The benefits of working with you
One aspect you cannot neglect: people will not hire you if they don't know what benefits they will get from working with you. The message you send to them must always be focused on the results, on the opportunities and the advantages they get from working with you. If you do not present these aspects in a clear way, you will not get your potential clients' attention.
Your clients must also know who you really are, they must trust you and be willing to let you handle their problem using your own techniques and approaches.
By telling your clients a true life story, you will definitely get an emotional reaction. People resonate with those who have faced the same situations, the same problems or desires. Once your clients learn that you helped others reach their goals or solve their problems, the price or the effort will not matter. Your new clients will be inspired and motivated, because they will know that it is possible, that others made it and you are the one who can help them make it too. The story will challenge them to take action.
Do not forget to always promote yourself as a unique, genuine coach. People no longer react to those who just copy the ideas of others and use them on their clients. They want genuine emotions, they want professionals who are passionate about their work and who offer them customised solutions. People are drawn towards those who stand out, and you can be that coach who stands out amongst the competition just by being yourself, by developing unique programmes and products for your clients.
If you want to develop a successful coaching business, you must know that the message you send to your clients is essential. It must represent who you are, what you can do for your clients and the reasons why they should hire you. Show your clients your compassion, that you understand their problems, and they will come to you as the essential help they've been looking for.
If you are ready to claim your real Success Identity, get a FREE copy (book and audio) of the Unrevealed 3D Success Metamorphosis and discover how you can uncover your "uncopyable" Brilliance, claim your innovative spotlight and step into a your new success, visit her site coachingandsuccess.
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