If you want to get more unique visitors to your website, you have to implement a multitude of internet marketing strategies. You can't rely on one source of traffic alone. If the only thing that you're doing now is PPC, then you need to diversify your traffic flow. What will you do when all of your money is gone from all of the PPC advertising that you have been doing?
And not only is this true with PPC advertising, but it's also true for all other forms of advertising. It doesn't matter if you do forum advertising, high traffic website advertising, classified advertising, or even blog advertising. Once the money is gone, your traffic stops. So hopefully you're making PPC work for you in your online business.
There are alot of ways to get traffic to your website and today's lesson will show you just how to do it. These techniques are easy to do, and you should encounter no problems when doing them. In fact, let's look at one of the most popular ways to get free traffic on the internet.
1) Blog commenting
Alot of people say this strategy works like ghost busters. What you can to do is find a high traffic blog in your niche, and be an active participant when it comes to commenting on posts. Some blogs allow you to leave your website information at the end of your posts, but for most blogs, you fill out a form that has a section for your website information, and once you make the comment, your website will be hyperlinked whenever someone clicks on your profile name.
How many people will click on your profile name? Could be a lot, could be a little - it all depends on how much traffic the blog gets and if the information on the blog is simple and effective. Here's another way to get more unique hits to your website.
2) Affiliate marketing
This is an excellent strategy for getting more hits to your website. I love affiliate marketing because after a few sales, the cost of marketing the affiliate product will more than likely pay for itself. When it comes to affiliate marketing online, you have 3 choices:
1) Commission Junction
2) Clickbank
3) Paydotcom
All 3 of these affiliate networks are great ways to have your product promoted by thousands of affiliates. Not only that, but your website hits will increase also. If you want to get more visitors, this is one of the best ways to do it. Sure each site has it's rules, but play by the rules like everyone else does, and you'll make a name for yourself in your respected niche.
These tips for getting more unique hits are things that you can start doing now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this thing out. Traffic is easy once you know what to do, and once you start to get alot of it, keep doing the techniques that is bring in more new traffic for you.
Use these tips to get as many unique visitors to your website as possible.
Good luck with using these ideas to boost your website traffic.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He currently has a free book about internet marketing that helps small business owners market their business online successfully. To learn more and to download this free book, simply visit his website here: http://www.internetmarketing-rules.com/
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