Monday, 9 January 2012

Using Blogging And RSS Feeds In Your Internet Marketing Plan

Getting free traffic is something that is very popular to alot of online business owners. With alot of free traffic, you can get sales at 100% profit. Depending on what you are selling and the price of your product, you may be tempted to advertise your website and get sales - hoping with the attempt to at least break even.

But if paid advertising isn't for you, there are many free marketing options that you have at your disposal. The difference between paid and free advertising is that with paid advertising, you see alot of traffic immediately. With free advertising online, it takes quite a while to build up alot of consistent traffic - but once it's done, it'll get traffic for the rest of your website's life.

So if your advertising dollars are $0 right now and you have no idea as to how to promote your internet business, then today's lesson is just for you. I'm going to share with you some great ways to boost your website's traffic, and how to keep this steady stream of traffic coming to your website each and everyday. Here's traffic tip number 1:

1) Blogging

Have you ever heard of "blogging and pinging"? Blogging and pinging is simply the process of making a post on your blog, and pinging the search engine services - letting them know that you have more content on your blog. You can get alot of hits this way, and the search engine bots will view your each and every day that you ping them.

This is very easy to do and only takes about 30 seconds. If you have a blog, after you make a blog post, go over to, and enter your blog details there. Next, click on all of the search engine services that you want to come and view your site (just click all of them).

If you have a Wordpress blog, you can enter a number of search engine services in the control panel of your Wordpress account. But be wary of this tho, because each time you update a post on your blog, the search engine services will be pinged again - and Google might accuse you of spamming. So write out your post, and make sure it's in the correct place that you want it to be in. Here's another tip for getting more free traffic.

2) RSS feeds

An RSS feed is simply a medium that let's people know whenever you've updated your blog or website. You insert a website's RSS feed into your "My Yahoo" account or the "My MSN" account, and each time your favorite blog gets updated, you get notified by the new RSS feed that shows up in your email accounts.

This is really easy to do. If you want to create an RSS feed for your blog quickly, simply head on over to They make it incredibly easy to get an RSS feed from your blog or website with just a few simple clicks. After you have gotten your RSS feed, you want to submit it to all of the RSS directories so that website owners can get your RSS and put it on your website... thereby causing you to get more free hits to your website.

Both of these tips can boost your website traffic quickly and easily, and it's up to you to start utilizing both of them now if you want your website to reach its full potential.

Good luck with using these tips to boost your website traffic today.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He currently has a free book about internet marketing that helps small business owners market their business online successfully. To learn more and to download this free book, simply visit his website here:

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