Monday, 16 January 2012

Market Sites Should Be Helping Businesses Through the Tough Economy Times

With the current economy at a low point and many out of work, businesses are finding it tough to make any profit and many are struggling to attract new customers.

The Internet has allowed some businesses to grow through websites, social networking sites and blogging. However with so many competing to reach the same customers it makes it just as tough as it would to find potential customers through a high street shop. That's where market sites can help.

Market sites have become like directory sites but help provide further services: 'Where would you currently be without sites like "Compare The Market, Money Supermarket, Travel Supermarket" amongst so many other's?' but even the internet seems to be evolving to adapt to the current economic climate with many more sites popping up to provide different services to individuals and businesses. The Government should be supporting such sites as many businesses and companies currently need all the help they can get to increase their publicity and services to customers. Such sites can help businesses promote themselves, help to find potential customers, list services to meet the exact customers needs, along with different ways of advertising that the internet keeps surprising us with, such sites and new innovation helps to attract new customers.

So many people are now 'web or surf shoppers' and with the decline of some retail and traditional methods of shopping and looking for services failing, the Internet and global web is maybe the place to be and the government and businesses and support centre's should be focusing on boosting the economy through different methods and the internet could be a big key.

In 2005 there were only a handful of market sites, and a lot of directories. The problem with directories is that the majority will not drive any traffic to businesses, as they do not offer much flexibility. Currently market sites on the other hand offer much more than that.

The market site place has grown substantially with the likes of being one of the leaders. However, they have grown to annoy a lot of customers with the majority of their listed services being silly nonsense ones, and nasty blogs about their poor handling and ethos. Other similar sites like GigBux and GigMe5 offer the same thing, so that leaves a big gap needing to be filled - reliable market site's that offer quality services to customers and offer more potential than comparison sites. Also many of these sites are American based so that leaves the UK market rather dry. These sites do not help professional businesses like plumbers, builders or web designers as customers are likely to be overwhelmed by the amount of silly services on offer. Therefore we should be looking for new sites that can help the UK economy.

There are so many recruiter sites in the UK advertising jobs but very few advertising business and services. One company looking to fill these gaps is BlueGig, which is a market place launching in April 2012. According to the owner the site is aimed at creating a community platform beacon for businesses and professional freelancers for interaction of selling and buying services (known as gigs). It's serious quality services that are needed and hopefully such sites and more sites like this will help to provide competition and encourage businesses and service providers to use the Internet more to promote services. New business and service market sites could encourage the current gap to be filled and help to possibly start new innovation into the start of new sites and ways of attempting to not only help evolve the ever expanding internet but to also try to help the UK business scene in the current economic state.

View the original article here

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