Are you looking for some simple internet marketing knowledge that will help to boost your website's sales and profits? If so, then today's lesson is for you. You will learn how to use some of the most fundamental internet marketing techniques that can explode your online business profits.
I use these techniques myself in my business, and you should know that they work very effectively for me. I'm going to share with you some of these strategies, and hopefully you can put them into work in your business so that you can have the breakthrough that you've been hoping for.
There are only 2 strategies that I want to share with you, and I assure you that they are incredibly easy to do. Here's the first online marketing technique that you should consider:
1) Joint ventures
A joint venture is a way for you to make money without investing any kind of advertising. Perhaps one of the most popular ways to do a joint venture with someone is with affiliate marketing. But we're not talking about affiliate marketing here. We're talking about JV's.
The basic gist of a joint venture is that you contact an online business owner who sells things related to your niche, and see if they would like to partner up and promote a product to their list that you think would be beneficial. The key to striking up a joint venture deal all lies in the proposal letter.
In your proposal letter (or probably email), you want to include all of the reasons why a partnership will benefit your potential partner. You have to offer higher commission rates than you normally would do for your affiliate program. So if you're offering 50% for your affiliate program, offer 65% for your joint venture.
Make sure you have all of the tracking mechanisms in place so that your partner can see how much money the campaign is making, and whether or not they should consider re-doing business with you. But this is just one strategy. Here's another one:
2) Your own forum
Starting your own forum is tough, but if you know how to run it right, it can really bring you the traffic that you're looking for. It's like a catch 22... nobody wants to go to a forum where there are no active participants, and if you just started, you're going to have a tough time getting people to sign up.
You could always direct all of your traffic to your forum, or you can create your forum as a sub-directory of your main site, and promote it to your email subscribers and customers. You will need to monitor the forum for non-relevant posts and junk posts from people who are just trying to advertise their link.
If you could combine these 2 strategies, I think you could be a major contender in your niche. Getting traffic is important, and if you want to see yourself making more money, you need to do what you have to do to make it all a success.
Good luck with using these tips to boost your business profits today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He currently has a free book about internet marketing that helps small business owners market their business online successfully. To learn more and to download this free book, simply visit his website here:
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