Thursday, 2 February 2012

Use Money to Make Money Really Fast

If you're anything like me, you probably don't have $500 dollars sitting in your pocket. You probably don't even have $100 to spare, yet you really need to make money online. You need a money making guide, something that you can follow that will take you from start to finish on your path to making money online. That's exactly what I want to do here. I'm going to show you how I make an extra thousand dollars a month as a college student by using some chump change I have lying around the house to make exponentially more.

You need to figure out a bit about the internet. Knowledge is king when you're fighting for your fair share online. If you don't know what internet marketing is, you cannot make money with me. However, that's why I want to clarify some things right now. What you'll need in this process is a basic understanding of the internet. When people go online, they usually go to their favorite search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.) and put in a quick search. Essentially, they are browsing the web for new websites or even for specific content. The specific words they use come into play later in the article. They click on a few links (usually only on the first page), find their answer, and move on. Within minutes, the entire process is over, and the potential customer goes about other business (such as checking email). What you want to keep in mind throughout this process: there are billions of people on the web. Each day, there are thousands of these searches going out, heck, millions of searches going out. The internet is a wealth of information, and people are starting to catch onto that idea. But what do you do to make money?
Sign up for a Click Bank account by heading over to their site, or using Google to find them. ClickBank is a service that connects affiliate marketers (that's you) and venders (the ones who have a product to sell). The method we will be exploring here is how to use money to make affiliate revenues. Once you have an affiliate account on ClickBank, go ahead and head over to the market place.
Choose The Right Product! Once you're in the ClickBank marketplace, you want to make sure you filter results by gravity. The products with the highest gravity are the ones people are making money off of, right now! So once you click on a particular niche (or major grouping to the left of the marketplace), make sure you look for products with really high gravity. Get your promotional code by clicking the green button.
Once you have your product and affiliate code, you can head over to Google AdWords, which is a pay per click program that lets you easily send traffic to your affiliate link. Create an account, and use the tools there to send traffic to your affiliate link.

It really is this simple to start making money online, but unfortunately, it does cost a bit of money. Making a business online is not free, and anyone who tells you that is lying. However, this is the cheapest and most direct way of doing so.

If you have to make money TODAY, and you need a guide to make money now, head over to my site.

Learn how to make $604 per day within the next week.

View the original article here

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